Bio Technology 201

   Definition.   The exploitation of biological processes for industrial and other purposes, especially the genetic                            manipulation of microorganisms for the production of antibiotics, hormones, etc.

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Bio Technology

 ( 1)  Application of DNA Tecnology..


                              (2) Cell and DNA Manipulation

                            (3) Central Dogma of DNA

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  (ii)Click Here for Download Notes..

                                       (4) The Molecular Basis of Inheritance

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                                           5) The Molecular Basis of  Biology

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                                                                6) PCR

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The DNA Toolbox

  •  In 1995, a major scientific milestone was announced: For the

first time, researchers had sequenced the entire genome of
a free-living organism, the bacterium Haemophilus influenzac.
This news electrified the scientific community. Few among
them would have dared to dream that a mere 12 years later,
genome sequencing would be under way for more than 2,000
species. By 2fX17, researchers had completely sequenced hundreds
of prokaryotic genomes and dozens of eukaryotic ones,
including all 3 billion base pairs ofthe human genome.

  • Ultimately, these achievements can be attributed to ad·

vances in DNA technology-methods of working with and
manipulating DNA-that had their roots in the 1970s. A key
accomplishment was the invention of techniques for making
recombinant DNA, DNA molecules formed when segments
of DNA from two different sources-often different speciesare
combined in vitro (in a test tube). This advance set the
stage for further development of powerful techniques for analyzing
genes and gene expression. How scientists prepare recombinant

  • DNA and use DNA technology to answer

fundamental biological questions are one focus ofthis chapter.
Another focus of the chapter is how our lives are affected by
biotechnology, the manipulation oforganisms or their compo·

DNA Cloning and Its

  • Applications: APreview

Most methods for cloning pieces ofDNA
in the laboratory share certain general
features. One common approach uses
bacteria, most often Escherichia coli. Recall
from Chapter 16 that the E. coli chromosome
is a large circular molecule of
DNA. In addition, E. coli and many other
bacteria have plasmids, small circular

  • DNA molecules that replicate separately

from the bacterial chromosome. A plasmid
has only a small number of genes;
these genes may be useful when the bacterium
is in a particular environment but
may not be required for survival or reproduction
under most conditions.


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