Agri Extension 202

Agricultural extension is the application of scientific research and new knowledge to agricultural practices through farmer education.
Agri Extention

For more details Click the Link Below..

  •  Pakistan is a developing country with agro-based

economy. Providing sufficient food, fiber and fuel
wood for the burgeoning population and agro-based
industries seem to be a major challenge ahead
(Govt.of Pakistan, 2006). In spite of such a great
importance, the crops yields in Pakistan are generally
low as compared to international yield (FAO, 2004).
  • However, the yield gaps of crops are very vast in the

Punjab province (Govt.of Punjab, 2005). Agricultural
production in developing countries continued to be
low and it was generally believed that dearth of
information tailored to local needs and lack of
technical knowledge at the farm level were the
principal factors for this low and stagnant production
  1. (Muhammad, 1994). This situation calls for an

effective efficient organization dealing with the
dissemination of the latest agricultural technologies
among farmers. Agricultural extension, which is
essentially a message delivery system, has a major
role to play in agricultural development. It serves as a
source of advice and assistance for farmers to help
them improve their crop production (Adams, 1988).

Mid Course

For Download Notes Click the Link Below

Agri. Extension System in Punjab.. Click Here

1-Communications Process.. Click Here

2-Steps of Program Planning..Click Here

3-Program planning and Principles for Agri Extension.. Click Here

4-Principles of Effective Extension.. Click Here

                                      Final Course

1-Innovation..   Click Here

2-Adult Education.. Click Here

3-Group Techniques.. Click Here

4-Individual Contact Methods.. Click Here

5-Mass Contact Methods.. Click Here

6-Education and types of Education.. Click Here

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