Agronomy 102
Agronomy is defined agricultural science deals with principles and practices of crop production and field management.

Agron-102 Principles of Agronomy 3(2-1) 


Agronomy-definition and scope. Principles of Agronomy Tillage: its objectives and types. Use of quality seed, seed multiplication and distribution systems. Crop nutrition, manures and fertilizers; their classification, composition, sources and methods of application. Green manuring. Irrigation management; irrigation methods. Water use efficiency. Crop protection, Marketing and harvesting. Crop rotations; principles and types.

Demonstration and use of tillage implements Preparatory tillage, seedbed preparation and intercultural operations. Seed purity analysis. Identification of organic and inorganic fertilizers and manures. Calculation of nutrient cum fertilizer unit value. Demonstration and layout of various irrigation methods. Identification of crop pests. Visits to University Farms

  For Download Notes Click the  Link Below..

1- Scope of Agronomy.. Click Here

2-Principles of Agronomy.. Click Here

3-Study of Seed.. Click Here

4-Tillage.. Click Here

5-Tillage and Cultivation.. Click Here

6-Tillage Practical Notes.. Click Here

7-Irrigation System.. Click Here 

8-Irrigation Types..Click Here 

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