Veterinary Medicine Diseases (202)

                 It is the branch of medicine that deals with the causes, diagnosis and treatment of diseases or injuries of animals

Types ;-
           Contagious disease; it is a disease that may be transmitted to healthy animals by direct or indirect contact with infected animals.
Infectious disease; it is a disease which can be transmitted only by a specific kind of contact from one animal to another.
Communicable disease; it is a disease that can be communicated from one animal to another.

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                                          1) INTRODUCTION TO VET MED  DISEASE 

                                          2) Different Types Of Disease

                                                     (i) ANOREXIA

                                                     (ii)  FEVER

                                                     (iii) MASTITIS

                                                     (iv) Foot and Mouth

                                                      (v) PPR

                                                            Presentation VMD

Definition of Palpation
Palpation is one of the assessment techniques health providers use during a physical exam to detect certain characteristics of the body. It's the technique of using the sense of touch to assess parts of the body. By using different parts of their hands, different characteristics about the patient's body - such as swelling, size and movement - can be identified. The information collected can help determine the patient's health status.
Types of Palpation
The fingertips are used in fine tactile discriminations, such as skin texture, swelling and pulsations. You can collect information about whether a person's skin is smooth or rough, if there is fluid in the tissues, and characteristics of pulses.
The finger and thumb used in a grasping action can help determine the position, size and consistency of a body part. This is used to help thoroughly examine any masses a person may have in the body.
The back of the fingers and hands are used to check the body temperature. Since the skin is thinner at this location, it can easily determine whether a body part is cool, cold, warm or hot.
The side of your hands on the same side of your pinky finger is used to check for vibrations in the body. You can feel this when you place your hands on a person's chest while they are talking.
The front of the fingers are used for light palpation, deep palpation, light ballottement and deep ballottement. Let's look at these in more detail.
  • Light Palpation is used to feel abnormalities that are on the surface. You use the front of your fingers to gently press down into the area of the body about 1 to 2 centimeters. Then lift your fingers off the body and move to the next nearby area. This helps identify the texture, tenderness, temperature, moisture, elasticity, pulsations, and masses.

  • Deep Palpation  is used to feel internal organs and masses. You use the front of your fingers to firmly press down into the area of the body about 4 to 5 centimeters, then lift your fingers off the body and move to the next nearby area. This helps identify the size, shape, tenderness, symmetry and mobility. 

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